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Inside Kaya Scodelario’s Prada Handbag

British Vogue presents ‘In The Bag’ with Kaya Scodelario. The British actress reveals her essentials, as we take a look inside Kaya Scodelario’s Prada handbag. “I’m that chaotic chick with the broken phone, who you’re going to fall in love with and regret,” says _The Gentlemen_ star as she plucks a cracked iPhone from her Prada bag. Other must-haves include a disposable camera (“I don’t get them developed for, like, 2 years”), a script binder (“I’ve still got the original Effy draft of her episode from [Skins] Series 1”) and highlighters (“because of my dyslexia, I do need to highlight everything in the script… my brain processes the shape of the page”). Watch the full episode of British Vogue’s ‘In The Bag,’ as Kaya Scodelario gives us a sneak peek inside her Prada bag.

Released on 08/22/2024


I'm that chaotic chick with the broken phone,

who you're gonna fall in love with and regret.

Hi, British Vogue, I'm Kaya Scodelario,

and this is what's in my bag.

[upbeat music]

So number one, script binder.

So whenever I have a project,

I still like to have hard copy scripts

so that I can use a pen to annotate it on the page.

I can't do it on a laptop or a phone.

And I keep this binder, and I put all my scripts in this,

and they've kind of all got weird stickers

or little doodles from my kids in them

and mementos from the job.

I've got scripts from Skins 15, 16 years ago.

I've still got the original Effy draft of her episode

from series one that is yellow and torn to shreds.

Oh, god, that means I'm old.

It means it's coming back around again.

I'm vintage.

You know, looking back, we didn't have iPhones

or Instagram in those storylines,

'cause those things didn't exist at the time,

so for a show to still resonate with young people

despite it being so dated

means that they really connect with the characters.

I've never re-watched it, and I'd be terrified to,

but it's really nice to know

that people are still enjoying Effy.

Next, wet wipes.

I've got two kids.

I'm never leaving the house without wet wipes.

This is an everyday need,

and I don't know how they were never in my life before,

but they will be in there forever now.

Oh, I have my prescription sunglasses.

I'm not very good with contacts,

I get scared that I won't be able

to take them out at night on my own,

and I am now that person

that accidentally wears their sunglasses

on the tube without realizing,

and it may make me look like a bit of an arse,

but it's not, it's because I can't see.

This is a hairbrush and a hairband,

mostly genuinely in case I'm in the ladies'

and someone needs a hairbrush or a hairband.

I had a lady once when I was in the toilet

in Camden in a bar give me a hairband,

and I was like, do you know what,

that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done.

This is my baseball cap that I like wearing,

but I'm conscious of not accidentally wearing it

to the school pickup, but I think it's quite fun.

It's what I wear through the airport,

just to see people's reaction more than anything.

Oh, this is a kids' board book.

I'm teaching my toddler Portuguese at the moment.

My mother is Brazilian, and I'm fluent in Portuguese,

and it's something I'm really proud of,

culturally, it's part of my heritage,

and I wanna pass that on to my kids.

I was really fortunate that I shot in Brazil last year.

We were doing a TV show about the life of Ayrton Senna,

the Formula One driver,

and he was a hero to many Brazilians.

It's a retelling of his life story,

and I play a small but significant role within that world.

I got to speak Portuguese on camera for the first time,

hopefully didn't butcher it, we'll see,

and I got to experience living in Sao Paulo with my family

for six, seven weeks and traveling around Brazil

and connecting with my roots and eating really great food.

My purse.

I'm really bad at losing things, so I need a big purse

with all my cards, my passport and everything in one place.

Oh, this is my provisional driving license,

because I've never gotten my real license.

How embarrassing is that?

Hopefully, one day, I will get time

to take a driving test,

but at the moment, I am a passenger princess.

I've done my lessons, I had my test date booked,

and I was shooting The Gentlemen

and they wouldn't give me the day off, so I missed it,

and then my driving instructor ghosted me.

And then disposable camera, which I always carry

with me, actually, on holidays or jobs,

and I don't get them developed for like two years,

so I'll forget what's on there,

and then I'll take a bag of them down to Boots

and get 'em developed and be reminded

of really great memories.

The other day I actually found one

that had pictures from V Festival 2009 on them,

'cause I'd gone with some Skins castmates,

and we had all these kind of cool pictures of us

back when we didn't have children

and could handle that kind of thing.

Everyone say cheese.

[Crew] Cheese.

Highlighters and pens for my script.

Because of my dyslexia, I do need

to highlight everything in the script, not just my dialogue,

because my brain processes the shape of the page.

That's how I memorize lines, in chunks and what comes next.

And it also makes it look pretty.

Ah, this is amazing.

Summer Fridays jet lag mask.

I love this mask.

I just slather it on, fall asleep,

and then my skin feels amazing when I get there.

Dry shampoo by Sam McKnight.


Love this. Dry shampoo is a girl's best friend.

My hair is quite thick and textured,

and even just to kind of give it a little bit of volume.

My keys.

For a long time, I used to collect a key ring

in every city that I visited.

There's also only one key on it, which is a bit worrying.

I think I should have more than that.


And then a snack.

I usually have quite a lot of snacks.

I love Kit Kats, I love chocolate.

This is a Pacoquinha,

so it's a Brazilian peanut butter snack

that is delicious, and my kids are obsessed with them,

so I put two in there for them,

and then five for me.


I love investigative journalism podcasts,

Sweet Bobby, Scamanda,

I'm listening to one at the moment called White Devil,

which is really, really good.

When I was in Skins, we used to listen to a lot of MGMT,

'cause that felt very Skins-y,

so before any kind of intense scene

where I had to either be breaking down

or on a lot of drugs or in a different head space as Effy,

I would listen to MGMT on repeat.

I knew the moment that people were kind of resonating

with her style was like, went into TopShop,

and they'd kind of done a ripoff version

of one of Effy's shirts.

Her wardrobe is like a drunken night out.

I actually still have a sparkly dress

that I wore in the opening scene of series three,

where I'm walking across Bristol Common.

It will never fit me again,

and I will never wear it in any situation,

but it brings me a lot of joy

every time I see it in my wardrobe.

It's my phone.

Again, no cover, because I ask for trouble in life.

I drop it maybe 15 times a day, but I'm that girl.

I'm that chaotic chick with the broken phone

who you're gonna fall in love with and regret.

[upbeat music]

My contents of my bag say about me

that I should really be a little bit more organized,

but that I've got my priorities straight, wet wipes,

after many years of not taking care of my skin,

I'm getting better at that,

and that I should clean my glasses more,

'cause they're a little bit dirty.

Thank you for watching.

I'm Kaya Scodelario, and that was what's in my bag.

Starring: Kaya Scodelario

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